Who I Am

I came to this work by way of my body. In my healing journey of managing chronic pain in my knees, I found the mind-body practices of yoga, meditation and dance at the age of 18. Through these practices, and later through additional somatic & spiritual practices, I began the long (and ongoing) journey of healing and transforming my relationship to my pain, body and self.  

As a therapist, I am passionate about supporting others to become experts of their own bodies & nervous systems, and in gaining insight into parts of themselves previously kept under subconscious or experienced through tension and pain. This insight includes understanding and working with ancestral trauma, and/or the impacts of systems of oppression on our bodies and nervous systems. 

My social justice work began in the realm of permaculture, food sovereignty and journalism. This work guided me to understand what it means for an environment to be harmonious, sustainable and productive.

I am a mother and a ritualist. I am dedicated to studying and incorporating traditional healing methods. I seek out joy and wonder, spend time with trees and in water, am an avid learner and reader, and dance as often as I can. I have a committed Yoga practice, which sustains me and informs my work as a therapist. I am trained as a yoga instructor and a Reiki practitioner. I am greatly influenced by the places I have lived and traveled, and the many teachers I have had the privilege of learning from along the way.

My Clinical Background

I received my M.A. in Counseling Psychology with an emphasis in Somatic Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS). Throughout my training at CIIS, I worked in diverse communities, including, offering individual and group therapy at the San Francisco Sheriff Department's Women’s Center in San Francisco, and at the private practice sliding scale clinic, The Center for Somatic Psychotherapy. As an Associate Marriage & Family Therapist, I worked for Grateful Heart Holistic Therapy Center based in Oakland and Berkeley, and as a school-based therapist for Middle & High School-aged students all over the Bay Area. I have since opened a private practice that offers virtual therapy in California.


EMDR 1 & 2 — 2018

Foundations of Polyvagal Informed Practice, Deb Dana — 2021-2022

Psychedelic-Assisted Therapies Certificate, Naropa — Current

Bringing Baby Home Educator Training, The Gottman Institute — Current

Will We Be A Good Fit?

Hands down, there are a few things that people like most about working with me:

I am emotionally engaged:  I am a great listener and am deeply relational. I talk with you. I don’t just sit back and nod my head. I am in every conversation with you, each step of the way.

I am warm and nurturing while being direct: Many clients describe me as having a unique combination of a warm and nurturing presence, and an intuitive directness. This creates a sense of trust, security and depth in our work.

I go deep.  I am a therapist you come to when you want to deeply engage with life’s tough and messy stuff.  I am there to support you, from a trauma informed lens, in approaching and being with the difficult parts of life with awareness, compassion, and integrity.

I am experiential. I have many clients who come to me who have had countless hours (or years) of traditional talk therapy. They have gained a lot from this work but are wanting to try something different. My approach takes components of traditional talk therapy and combines it with somatic and experiential methods.

Click here to learn more about how I work.